Tag Archives: Adder stone

Marble Pendants and Hag Stone Pendants

As I’m one to hardly ever say ‘no’ when I am offered stone, I have amassed quite a stock of different materials. Included in this is some lovely old pieces of Italian marble. With the smaller off-cuts of this stone I decided to try making marble pendants.

I crafted these by hand, firstly coring the hole for the cord, then shaping. Starting with a tile saw, I roughly cut the desired shapes, then refined these with my needle files. When I was pleased with the shape, I began the slow process of sanding and polishing- from 120 grade down to 1200 wet and dry paper. The two below are available in the ‘Stone Pendants‘ section in my Etsy shop.

As well as collecting reclaimed materials, I’m sometimes lucky enough to find hag stones (or adder/witches stones) when we are on our travels around the country. These rare naturally-holed stones have always been held in high regard for anyone interested in folklore or magick. It is believed that these stones can offer magickal protection and can be used to see into the realm of the faerie and other hidden lands. I have kept a few of these and they are hanging above the entrance to my workshop. I make pendants using some of the other hag stones and offer them for sale over in my Etsy shop.

Natural Sea Stone Bracelets and Necklaces

I have found some amazing things in the sea and on beaches over the years, but usually come back with bags full of stones and sea-glass.DSC07296

The stones I used to make these were collected from beaches in North Cornwall and East Lothian.


These are completely natural- no polishing or tumbling.


The stones were all hand-drilled using a diamond tipped corer (some taking up to 30 minutes to drill).  However, I also collect Hag-Stones (also known as Witches Stones, Serpents Eggs, Adder Stones etc). These are believed to have magical powers such as protection against spells, evil eye, or to be able to see faeries and other magickal beings if you look through the hole.

Here’s one which I found on an East Lothian beach;


I usually have hag stone pendants for sale, just follow this link to my Etsy shop.